Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Hazel - 9 months

Sweet Hazel, I cannot even believe how big she is getting. Only 3 more months and we will be celebrating her first birthday, which is just crazy. I still remember her birth like it was yesterday (posted here, if you want to read about that magical day), and am having a hard time coming to terms with my baby growing so fast. 

I was told so many times before Matilda was born to really enjoy my babies because they are only little for a short time and it flies. I would kindly nod, but in the back of my head be saying, right, whatever. But you guys. IT FLIES. Especially with the second one. I feel like I blinked and 9 months flew by. 

Hazel is currently eating any and all things, and preferably not served in pureed form. She is crawling so fast, pulling up on anything that she can, and cruising around furniture. She is already standing on her own without holding onto anything. She high fives, waves hi and bye bye, and says Mama. It makes my heart so happy every time she looks at me and says mamamamamama. 

This girl is pure joy, and I am so thankful that I get to be her mama. She is loved by her big sister so much, and I can only pray that their relationship continues to blossom as they grow. There is nothing sweeter than a best friend who is also your sister. Believe me, I have the best of the best!!

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